Webinar: Future-Proofing & Catalyzing Business Agility

Monday, July 29, 2019 @ 12:00 noon EST. http://catalyzingbusinessagility.com/community/#BR

Recently, the founder of the Catalyzing Business Agility website forum, Sinan Si Alhir) invited Mr. Rich to talk about Future-Proofing and the elements in this philosophy that are common with business agility.

Catalyzing Business Agility is a forum where, “in the spirit of community, we invite a kaleidoscope of perspectives that span clients, coaches/consultants, authors, and influencers across industries/domains and vantage points to explore their individual experience with Business, Agility, Business Agility, Strategy, Leadership, Culture, Execution, Technology, Transformation, and Digital Transformation.”

Here, Lynn Stafford has defined business agility as “your company’s ‘preventative health care regimen’ intended to promote sustained growth and strengthen organizational immunity to ward off cold sores and nasty, market hangovers.” The connection here is that the Principles of Future-Proofing are also a preventive care program for the built environment. The Principles can also be applied in the context of your business.

James Key Lim describes business agility as “the ability to adapt to change in a way that allows the business to survive and thrive.”

Barbara Trautlein asks “Are we able to deftly respond to changes in our environment? Do we sense what’s happening externally and proactively seek to learn and grow in new directions? Are we simultaneously able to remain true to our core — keep pointing true north — while keeping pace with change — dynamic homeostasis? Do we wisely discern between reinvention and stability

Attend the webinar to find out more: Monday, July 29, 2019 @ 12:00 noon EST. http://catalyzingbusinessagility.com/community/#BR