When you evaluate the integrity of a building, and think about whether it’s in good enough shape to convey its significance, to whom do you imagine it conveying that significance? Or, of course, failing to convey it? Having served on Landmarks Commissions and other preservation related groups for nearly 10 years now, I find that… Continue reading To whom are we conveying the significance of an historic structure?
Tag: Restoration
Martindale-Kvisvik Chicken House Emergency Stabilization Complete!
The emergency stabilization measures for the Martindale-Kvisvik Chicken House, Barn and garage have been completed. Richaven worked in cooperation with the contractor to design the cost efficient stabilization measures in time to prevent further deterioration from the winter weather. The project was completed under budget and gives hope that the structures will survive until they… Continue reading Martindale-Kvisvik Chicken House Emergency Stabilization Complete!